Yin Yoga to Reduce Anxiety
This sequence stimulates the Stomach and Spleen meridian pathways, it has been created specifically with the intention to calm the mind and bring the nervous system back to equilibrium.
Set a centring thought and intention before your practice to align with this process. For example “Breathing deeply and consciously helps me to ease my anxiety”. “My intention is to continue breathing, deeply and consciously for the duration of my practice”.
Element: earth Season: summer Colour: yellow Emotion: contentment
The spleen is located to the upper left side of the stomach. Physically it filters blood, it is the largest lymphatic organ. Old red blood cells are recycled in the Spleen. Platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The white cells – lymphocytes –defend against invading bacteria and viruses by producing antibodies to kill foreign microorganisms and stop infection. When the meridian pathways to these organs are blocked, inflammation of the joints and digestive issues may be experienced. Along with excessive worry and anxiety.
Come onto all fours and place your left foot outside of your left hand (option to place folded blanket under your back knee!), stay on your hands or lower onto your forearms to intensify the pose. Remember to do both side!
Hold for 1-5 minutes (start with 1 minute and work your way up!)
(Option to sit on folded blanket/ block). Extend your legs away from each other (only to as far as feels comfortable), stay here if you are already experiencing sensation in your hamstrings and inner thighs. To intensify, walk your hands and lean your body forward. Use a pillow or bolster to rest your torso upon.
Hold for 1-5 minutes (if your just starting out try 1 minute and work your way up).
Lie a bolster lengthways along the centre of your mat, lie back over the bolster aligning it with your spine. Place a pillow under your head if your neck feels like it is being compressed. Extend your legs forward and relax your shoulders away from your ears.
Hold for 5-10 minutes.
Lay on your back and draw your right knee to your outer right ribcage. Interlock your fingers around your shin or under your thigh. Keep your elbows bent. Remember to do both sides!
Hold for 3-5 minutes.