Yin Yoga to Cultivate Joy
This sequence stimulates the Heart and Small Intestine meridian pathways, it has been created specifically with the intention to cultivate joy and happiness.
Set a centring thought and intention before your practice to align with this process. For example “I am a joyful, playful being”. “My intention is to cultivate new ways of experiencing my joy and playfulness”.
Element: fire Season: summer Colour: red Emotion: joy
Physically, the Heart is a little left of center in the chest. The heart supplies the body with oxygenated blood. The Small Intestine is just below the stomach. It receives food from the stomach and continues the process of digestion. The small intestine symbolises clearance, making space, choosing what to keep and what to discard. The heart symbolises our connection to self, our body, feeling grounded, sensual and at home in our body. The heart also symbolises our connection to other people. If vital-energy to these organs is disrupted digestive problems can occur, as well as depression and disconnection from the outside world.
Shoulder opening
Find a seated position and raise your arms above your head. Bend one elbow and use the opposite hand to gently rest on top of the bent elbow. Sit tall, with the option to sit on a folded blanket/ block for added comfort.
Hold for 1-3 minutes - Remember to do both sides!
Shoelace w/ Eagle Arms
Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Cross one leg on top of the other, bend the top knee and keep the bottom knee extended. If you’d like to intensify, bend the bottom knee as well. Extend your arms out in front of you, cross the arms so that the lower arm is the same side as the lower leg. Wrap forearms and hold the opposite wrist or palm. Keep your neck neutral.
Hold for 2-5 minutes - remember to do both sides!
Diamond Forward Fold
Find a seated position and bring the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to drop out to either side to create a diamond shape between your legs (adjust the distance between heel and groin to suit your body). Sit tall with the option to fold forward over your legs. Place a block under your forehead for extra support.
Hold to 3-5 minutes.